Climate Action Project School of Excellence

Every year Koen Timmers launches a project focussing on one or more UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Climate Action project involved 250 schools across 69 countries. During the project the students had to explore, brainstorm, create, discuss, present and share their findings via weekly videos to be published on the website Koen created. This way students learned from each other locally and in the next stage globally from their peers. During the last week they had Skype calls.

Studens took action (which rarely happens in formal education) by planting trees, doing marches, recycling, 3D printing coral reefs, developing biomass plants, etc.

This project created a lot of impact and was supported by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Greenpeace, Discovery Channel, Unesco, scientists and public figures. The project was covered by media in 30 countries.


Hogeschool PXL is één van de 250 scholen wereldwijd die deze prijs wint!
Maandag 6 december om 12u45 wordt de 'Climate Action Project School of Excellence'-award door initiatiefnemer Koen Timmers uitgereikt. Dit gebeurt online.

Aan alle deelnemers:

  • Jullie krijgen eveneens een cadeautje, af te halen op ons secretariaat.
  • Gelieve even online te komen met je presentje zodat we toch een leuke foto kunnen maken van dit event.


Reportage Het Belang van Limburg/TV Limburg: PXL wint klimaatprijs


Koen Timmers